What We Treat

body dysmorphic Disorder


People with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) are constantly preoccupied with an imagined or minor defect in their appearance. While some people are enamored with their own physical features, those with BDD experience shame, distress, and inability to focus when they consider their own body. Unfortunately, this is an underdiagnosed disorder today.

Common habits or symptoms of those with BDD include the following:

  • People with BDD may perceive themselves to be ugly or distracting to others

  • Their preoccupation with one or more physical features keeps them from focusing and functioning normally

  • They do not believe others who reassure them about their appearance

  • People with BDD may avoid social settings, pursue cosmetic procedures or seek to otherwise alter their own appearance, fall into severe depression, and/or have suicidal thoughts

At OCD & Anxiety Solutions, we treat body dysmorphic disorder with a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, and medications as needed. We help patients regain a healthy self-image, resume normal activities and interactions with others, and decrease efforts to alter their appearance.

If you or a loved one are suffering from BDD today, know that our specialists treat this disorder with experience, compassion, and flexibility. Contact us to see how we go the extra mile to help those suffering from BDD overcome their challenges and regain a healthy, positive outlook on life.