What We Treat

Obsessive-compulsive disorder


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is seen among people who have repeated and unwanted thoughts, feelings, ideas, or behaviors that cause anxiety. As a result, they feel driven to do something to lessen their anxiety (behaviors known as compulsions). People with OCD often understand that their behavior is unreasonable. They may try to get rid of their obsessive thoughts and behaviors with minimal to no success.

Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder may include one or more of the following:

  • Excessive fear of germs, including repeated washing and cleaning

  • Perfectionism, obsessive rituals, and constant checking and rechecking actions (like making sure the door is locked and lights are off)

  • Distress about lack of order, organization, or symmetry

  • Preoccupation with counting, magic numbers, specific colors, or sequences of movement and action

  • Other obsessions or repeated behaviors that lead to severe anxiety or interfere with everyday life

OCD & Anxiety Solutions makes great use of cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, and other treatment options to help you or your loved one overcome this disorder. If your OCD is severe, we may recommend our intensive treatment program that involves participating in sessions up to six days per week for 3-4 weeks to give you the best chance of successfully treating your OCD as quickly possible.

Regardless of your specific symptoms or level of OCD, contact us to see how we can help you or your loved one today!